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Influencer Finder Tool

FIND YOUR INFLUENCER for your next marketing campaign through our database. Filter your search with Market, Plattform and relevant KPI.

What We Do

Warlock is one of Swedens new influencer databases. We offer an independent network for Influencer Marketing.

By independent we mean that we do not sit on exclusive and expensive contracts with influencers. Instead, we are continuously scanning the whole market, cleaning the data for you, and giving you the tools to make an informed decision with influencer marketing.

Key Features

Influencer Fit

In order to have a successful campaign, the brand and influencer need to find a sweet spot. Something we call influencer fit. You find this by checking the influencers KPI, previous campaigns, and vet the influencer before campaign start.

Performance Value

It's difficult to measure mROI with influencer marketing. This is often the most challenging part of
a campaign when working with influencers. With our tool, you can get the most relevant statistics in order for you to make an informed decision..

The Process

Influencer Fit

Run our Wizard and choose your filters to find your influencer. You can search by Category, Market, Gender and relevant KPIs. You will get access to a detailed influencer page to get a full overview.

Influencer Fit

Run our Wizard and choose your filters to find your influencer. You can search by Category, Market, Gender and relevant KPIs. You will get access to a detailed influencer page to get a full overview.

Create Campaign

You can choose any amount of influencers with our tool and create a campaign. This means that those are the influencers you wish to get in contact with. Choose influencers and we will put you in touch with them.

Create Campaign

You can choose any amount of influencers with our tool and create a campaign. This means that those are the influencers you wish to get in contact with. Choose influencers and we will put you in touch with them.

Contact Influencer

You will get the relevant information to contact the influencer. You can do this by yourself or get us to help you. Our recommendation is to have a clear brief, overview of the campaign and a budget before you start a meeting with any influencer.

Contact Influencer

You will get the relevant information to contact the influencer. You can do this by yourself or get us to help you. Our recommendation is to have a clear brief, overview of the campaign and a budget before you start a meeting with any influencer.

Market & Platform

Markets Available





Norway Flag


Markets Planned



Full access - 0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Influencer search
No Credit Card Required.

Q1 2021 to coming released planned

Select Your Plan

Free 7 day Trial Included

Monthly Plan

Sek 499 / month
  • Monthly Offer
  • Full access - 0%Transaction fee
  • Unlimited influencer search
  • No Credit Card required.

Yearly Plan

Sek 399 / yearly
  • 30% Discount = (1049,3 SEK/m)
  • Full access - 0%Transaction fee
  • Unlimited influencer search
  • No Credit Card required.

Customized Plan

Ask For Quote
  • Holistic service - Brief, tailored and executions of campaigns
  • Full access - 0%Transaction fee
  • Unlimited influencer search
  • No Credit Card required.

Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have any free tools?

Yes, Warlock is free the first 7 days.

Which social media networks do you have influencers on?

Warlock has influencers on Youtube, Instagram, TikTok for now. Plans to add Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Blog.

What kind of influencers do you have on your database?

Warlock has all types of  influencers: from nano-influencers with some hundreds of followers to celebrities with several millions of followers. They are located in Sweden for now and we are expanding to all Nordic markets.

What is the minimum contract duration?

We believe in simple transactions. Minimum contract is 1 month.

Do you provide customer support?

Yes, you have an account manager that helps you with all of your needs.

About Us

My name is Alexis Piippo and for the past 7 years I have worked on 2 start-ups that failed, freelanced for the past 2 years with influencer marketing, and now saw that there are 2 common problems for every project I work on.

1) Influencer Fit – Are we working with the right influencers?
2) Performance Value – How do we know we are getting the right value with X Influencer?

This is the reason I and my father started Warlock. A tool for my freelance consulting to increase my USP when clients work with me. However, we also realized that it can help so many other and therefore we offer it as a SaaS.

This is still a work in progress so there are going to be bugs, mistakes, and other Murphys law shit coming our way. If you want to give feedback we are happy to receive it.

Join our newsletter

Just kidding, we don’t have time to write newsletters. However, let us know if you want to get contacted and put in your email here.